Hello Friends,
Carina, Jake and I will begin a new adventure next year. For many years now I have felt the desire, dream and calling to plant a church in Canada. We took the first step in this direction three years ago, when we moved to Vancouver for a year. There our desire has been confirmed and reinforced. After the last two years in Germany, we now have the opportunity to next year take another step towards our goal.
Our friend and former small group leader Scottland Morrison from Vancouver has moved back to his hometown of Thunder Bay and with the help of his parents planted a church there (www.urbanabbey.ca). A few weeks ago, he has offered us to move to Thunder Bay and help them in this endeavor. After two years of waiting and praying God has finally opened this door for us.
The founding team consists of 5 people. Scott and his wife, Jennifer, Bill and Kimberley and Andrew. My job would be to support them. In a new church this means that my tasks will be very divers. But for the most part they will be driven by my two passions and gifts. My love for the Gospel and the Bible and my creativity and entrepreneurial thinking. Preaching and pastoral care would be primarily my spiritual duties. To supervise the website and to develop a uniform design that emphasizes and focuses on the vision and mission of the Church would be the practical tasks.
We decided that summer 2016 would be a good time to come to Thunder Bay. we would use this coming year to prepare and to gather the necessary financial support. This will give us enough time to apply for the visa and take care of other organizational and logistical things.
To make this happen, we need your support. Primarily, we need prayer for the time of preparation, the trip and the start of this adventure. But beyond that, we also need financial support. As one can easily imagine, a new church plant has few financial resources and can not provide a salary. However, they will make an apartment available to us in the building next to the church. Which leaves us with only the living expenses.
Because there is a lot that can change in one year and different financial support may come up between 2016 and 2017 or the church may be able to cover some of the salary, we will plan for one year. Either way we will keep you informed and up to date on any changes through this website. From our experience in Vancouver we know that we need about $1400 a month to cover living expenses.
There are two ways you can support us.
Firstly, we would appreciate any one time donation. Whether big or small, we are grateful for every dollar that brings us closer to the required amount.
Secondly, it would be nice if you supported us monthly with a fixed amount for this first year.
The Urban Abbey will accept your donations and then pay us. This will helps us to manage the donations easier and you will receive a tax receipt.
If you would like to support us, have any further question or need more info please write us an email at snowangeldesign@me.com.
We love you and are excited to begin this adventure with you!
Carina, Max and Jake
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